Information for Election Workers

Election Worker Recruitment Poster
What kind of work is it?

Precinct Chair - Coordinates pickup of election materials, sets up and takes down precinct, recruits election workers as needed, posts Notice of Election, signs off on election worker timesheets.

Precinct Register Worker - Verifies voter identification, locates voter name in the register and has voter sign the register, directs voters to vote a questioned ballot when necessary.

Regular Ballot Worker - Issue regular ballots to voters after they have signed the precinct register.

Ballot Box Worker - Assist voters with inserting ballots into the ballot tabulation machine, read messages on ballot tabulator and troubleshoot as necessary.

Questioned Ballot and Special Needs Ballot Worker - Issue questioned and special needs ballots to voters.  

what is the time commitment?

There is a 2-hour mandatory, in-person training, a scheduled shift on election day, and time spent assisting the Chair to set up the polling place the evening before election day.  

what is the pay?

Precinct Chairs are paid $21.00/hour, and election workers are paid $20.00/hour.  All time spent training and working, including transporting election materials and posting notices, is paid.  

what are the qualifications to be an election judge?

You must be a qualified voter in the City of Fairbanks and, if possible, a resident within the precinct at which you are working.  You will be required to take an oath before entering upon your duties.  You must not reside with any candidate on the ballot, and certain familial relationships between candidates and election workers are prohibited.   

Yes!  i'd like to serve as an election judge!

To apply to serve as an election judge, contact Adena Benn, Deputy Borough Clerk, at 907-459-1412 or