FPD Chief Jewkes Retiring

Chief Jewkes

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Fairbanks Police Department Chief Retiring
DATE: March 6, 2019
MEDIA CONTACT: Teal Soden, Communications Director, 907-987-0867, tsoden@fairbanks.us

City of Fairbanks Police Chief Eric Jewkes will be retiring at the end of April, at which point he will have given 25 years of service to the Fairbanks community.

Chief Jewkes made the announcement to his staff on February 8th. In his resignation letter to the City, Chief Jewkes stated: “It has been an honor to serve the City of Fairbanks in every role I have been assigned during my 25 years, and FPD will always remain a part of me.”

The City of Fairbanks has begun the process of looking for a new Chief and would like to make a selection before Chief Jewkes retires. Mayor Matherly would ideally like to hire from within but will be opening the job up nationwide in order to consider all of the options.

Mayor Matherly stated, “We’re very sad to see Chief Jewkes retire. He has been an amazing asset to the police department and to the City as a whole. While it will leave a void, we are so grateful for his 25 years of service, and we wish him and his family the very best in his retirement.”

The Fairbanks Police Department is expecting to lose several very highly-experience officers this year to retirement.