SAFER Grant Information - 5-27-20


A special City Council Meeting was called last night so that City administration could present information related to the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant and request Council’s support in applying for the funds. The purpose of the SAFER Grant is to provide adequate staffing for Fairbanks Fire Department (FFD) to be able to handle the increase in paramedic calls that they are experiencing each year. Due to the fact that a quorum was not established at the meeting, administration was not able to present the whole City Council with all of the information related to the grant and FFD’s history and current situation.  

With the deadline for the grant application being today, Mayor Matherly has made the decision to go forward in applying for the grant funds. City Council approval will still be required to accept the funds if and when the City is approved to receive them.

Slides from Chief of Staff Mike Meeks’ presentation can be found below.