1/22/21 - Hazard Mitigation Plan Open for Public Comment

hazard mitigation

The Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) for the Fairbanks region (Borough, City of Fairbanks, City of North Pole) is now available for public comment until February 12th!

The plan is a collaborative attempt to prioritize needs and prepare for potential hazards our community may face in the near term. It also allows the participating agencies to apply for federal and state hazard mitigation funding. These funds allow us to purchase critical emergency response resources and bolster our current facilities and infrastructure to be more disaster resilient.

Specific to the City of Fairbanks, we rely on HMP grant funds primarily to build capacity within our emergency response (Police and Fire) teams, our Public Works facilities and fleet, and our local urban infrastructure. We would appreciate public input into resources that may be needed to further bolster our capacity to respond to a disaster. Thank you!

Follow the link below to provide your comments:

