City Hall Partial Closure 12/30/21-12/31/21 - Delayed Garbage Pick-up


Fairbanks City Hall will be open by appointment only on Thursday (12/30) and closed Friday (12/31) for the New Year's Holiday. Departments will remain available to the public by phone on Thursday, the 30th. Here is a brief list of department phone numbers:

Building Department: 907-459-6720
Clerk’s Office: 907-459-6702
Engineering: 907-590-3703
Finance Department: 907-459-6713
Human Resources: 907-459-6780
Legal Department: 907-459-6750
Mayor’s Office: 907-459-6793
Public Works: 907-459-6770

Our Public Works snow crews will be working through the New Year's holiday to clear roads. We thank you for your patience!

**Snow removal updates can be found on our Public Works page by clicking here.

**GARBAGE PICK-UP WILL BE DELAYED BY ONE DAY THIS WEEK. So if your pickup day is normally scheduled for Monday, your garbage will be picked up Tuesday, if your scheduled day is Tuesday, pickup will be Wednesday, and if your scheduled day is Wednesday, garbage pickup will be Thursday.



Teal Soden
Communications Director
Mayor’s Office





12/29/21 trsoden